Changing the database in other ways, including adding, dropping, or modifying indexes or other constraints.
Then, I continue to add tests, each time modifying the code by adding new code, changing existing code, and refactoring as I go.
The governance profile can be easily customized to meet user requirements, such as modifying the lifecycle or changing governance policies.
After modifying the code, you can alternate between the JMS and HTTP endpoint URLs by changing the endpoint.
Changing configuration options - Modifying options, such as adding an include directory or changing the active configuration, are much faster for large solutions.
Changing the name of the generated package without modifying the UML model.
With a functional extension development environment and GnuPG to handle the encryption, modifying the interface will be done by changing some code in a previously developed extension.
Changing the table design, or modifying user requirements, or de-normalizing the tables, are usually less attractive options.
而更改表的设计,或修改用户需求,抑或修改反规范化(de - normalizing)表,都不是很有吸引力的选择。
Most of those side effects could be reversed by modifying the dosage or changing to an alternative medicine.
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请加入到改进文档的队伍中来吧,你可以直接在SourceForge上修改,也可以修改wiki方式的FitNesse .info。
During the execution of the test suite, defects can be found which results in changing design, hence modifying test automation scripts.
Nobody has right neither modifying nor changing this!
Completely changing or largely modifying data model of current GISs and developing a lot of spatial process models which may have very narrow applications could not be accepted by the GIS vendors.
Analyzes the former pass system and its problems existing in the production, introduces the design features of modifying the pass during changing the billet and the production situation.
You can track progress on a team project by reassigning work items, modifying, and changing their states.
Most of the traditional methods used to determinate the free surface profile are based on modifying or changing the grid system to adapt the changing water surface during the iteration process.
Facing the changing of the marketing environment, the model of pharmaceutical marketing should be transformed thoroughly following on the modifying of the medical model.
This paper mainly presents how to improve head-tail tracking of plate by changing the detection component and modifying the control software.
This paper mainly presents how to improve head-tail tracking of plate by changing the detection component and modifying the control software.