I have placed money on deposit in a bank.
They're seen to be safe, other Banks will put money on deposit with them.
Well then, you should have put my money on deposit with thebankers, so that when I returned I would have received it back with interest.
On balance, low deposit rates encourage people to withdraw money from Banks and spend more.
The benchmark deposit rate, at 3.87%, is below the rate of inflation — meaning households are effectively losing money on bank savings.
The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation made money on its bank-bond guarantees.
In the countryside, no single person has that much money on hand, plus the hospital won't treat you if you don't have enough money for the deposit.
When we were hip young gunslingers on the NME, we'd take back lemonade bottles for the deposit and use the change for the tube fare to work. When you have a kid, money matters.
But rather than lose the money on the non-refundable flights and hotel deposit, the 39-year-old decided to go anyway and find another woman to join him, for a payment of 642 pounds ($1, 259).
Customers swipe their savings card on the phone and hand their deposit to the agent who pockets the money.
While cash was king for much of 2007, yields on instruments such as money-market accounts and certificates of deposit have dropped along with short-term interest rates.
On the contrary, if Mr. Dai cannot complete the agreement, then he is responsible to pay Mr. Roberts double the deposit money.
The deposit business is largely built on the laziness of customers who keep their money in accounts no matter what the rate.
Internet money funds offer yields of around 6 per cent per year, almost twice the average interest paid on a one-year bank deposit.
Marvin? Can I depend on you to deposit this money in the bank before it closes?
On the one hand, bank deposit and lending rates, bank reserve ratio has continuously dropped, increasing money supply to stimulate the economy more and more clear policy intent.
From now on, be able to keep up-to-deposit the money or buy government bonds or dual-currency deposits to buy.
After the customer has set up an account, they can either deposit or withdraw money from their account depending on their individual requirements.
Money multiplier has two basic types: multiplier of deposit and multiplier of money supply. Both of them base on fractional reserve system .
The above No. 3 sum of money was original 1-year fixed deposit (RMB XXX) saved on Sept. 15, 2008, and the money was part-withdrew and re-deposited to the present deposit on Sept. 20, 2009.
The above No. 4 sum of money was original 3-month fixed deposit (RMB XXX) saved on July 23, 2009, and the money was part-added and re-deposited to the present 1-year fixed deposit upon maturity.
A user can deposit a check using the check reader on the machine and then access the money via the mobile app to pay bills or transfer money.
The above No. 1 sum of money was original 1-year fixed deposit (RMB XXX) saved on May 5, 2008, and the money was part-added and re-deposited to the present deposit upon maturity.
The above No. 5 sum of money was original 1-year fixed deposit (RMB XXX) saved on March 4, 2009, and the money was re-deposited to the present deposit upon maturity.
The above No. 5 sum of money was original 1-year fixed deposit (RMB XXX) saved on March 4, 2009, and the money was re-deposited to the present deposit upon maturity.