The widget includes convenient controls for frequently used time Windows such as one week, one month, month to date, year to date and more.
If I were to promise you a holiday on the thirtieth of the month after next, do you think you would forget the date?
Today’s equity slump erased the month-to-date gain in the S&P 500.
We want our date to be represented in the format: day, separator, month, separator, year.
For example, a sales table fragmented by transaction date column such that new rows are added each month to store current month sales data.
We had a release date and a thousand shots to complete in the last month.
To achieve this, name the files with the year, month, and date, in that order, using zeros to pad out the values.
Even bigger savings in terms of confusion forgone would come with an American decision to adopt the more logical European practice of writing the date in the order of day, month, year.
The most common and useful are the ability to display the date, followed by day of the week, month and year.
The runaround Arsenal administered here this month in plundering five proved as much, as does the sorry tally of two clean sheets in the Premier League to date all term.
Apple pushed back the date for the launch of the iPad outside America by one month, to the end of May, because demand for the tablet computer was stronger than expected in the United States.
Also, notice the use of the JSP: include tag to include the CalendarServlet which displays the current month, day, and year, as well as a drop down box to select the departure date.
Mobile banking company ClairMail raises another $13.8 million earlier this month, bringing the total funds raised to date to about $34.1 million.
本月早些时候,手机银行业务公司Clair Mail再次筹得1,380万美元,将总融资额提高至3,410万美元。
Our terms are cash within three months of date of delivery, or subject to 5 per cent discount if paid within one month.
Just record the date and the estimate of the distance. To keep them motivated, you can have them try to run a specific distance over a period of time, like 3 miles in a month.
The %1$tB formatting string in the code above tells the program to use the first argument and print out the full month name for the date object.
上面代码中的格式化字符串 %1$tB告诉程序使用第一个参数并打印date对象的完整月名。
Now suppose I want to print out the date of the last day of the week of the month after the one that is 45 days from Y2K.
They have individual levels defined that correspond to Year, Quarter, Month, and Date.
In the database this was defined as a date field, so we had to validate and convert a month-year field to a day-month-year field.
Besides giving the release month (though not quite date), Apple was more than happy to answer that, too.
If it took, say, a month to fix any problems identified as a section cooled, each cycle would postpone the start date by three months.
But it is particularly weak when you come into the month down year-to-date as we have this year.
Janie Brown's boyfriend Steve called time on their six-month romance yesterday and rather than mope, she decided to fix herself up with a date straight away.
Use the months and days-of-the-month dividers to file the cards according to the date you promised to take action.
A month? Set a new date, and try to stick to it.
The DATE dimension allows you to analyze the data according to time periods, such as week, month, and quarter.
This tutorial also shows how to use scalar functions to calculate and extract date information, such as day of week and month name, from date columns.
Under the pressure of parents, she has to accept to the bind date. She once had 10 dates within one month and sometimes had to rush in a hurry on weekends.
Under the pressure of parents, she has to accept to the bind date. She once had 10 dates within one month and sometimes had to rush in a hurry on weekends.