The moral-need is the internal motive force of individual moral-cultivation.
This work (much like theoretical discussions on theatrical " vraisemblance ", "bienséance" and the nature of tragedy and comedy) stressed the need for moral utility.
Practical skills are what I need, not moral judgments.
To back up and state some obvious goals: We need a global perspective, the (moral) recognition that food is a basic right and the (practical) one that sustainability is a high priority.
We need knowledge but we also need will, and we need a moral compass that will lead us to a better environment for all children everywhere.
Now more than ever, everyday meat eaters are considering the moral implications of raising billions of animals for food that our bodies can easily do without. " We don't need to eat it, "Dr.
Both moral violence and indifference are two sides of a coin.When they are in need, they choose to be indifferent.Every reason for their complaint towards evil could be excuses of their indifference.
What we need to learn from these survey results is that our moral infrastructure is unsound and in serious need of repair.
The last thing I need before my coffee is a moral dilemma.
They expressed the need to give these systems a moral dimension and make them responsive to the genuine values and concerns of societies.
It argued that the need to protect civilians was an overwhelming moral imperative.
Our lifestyles are unsustainable so restraint is probably the greatest moral virtue that we need to find now.
Your imagination does not need to follow a moral code.
A moral grown-up is someone who can exercise restraint and acknowledge they don't need a new car every year, or two holidays a year.
Now, I want to ask a question that we're going to need to think about, the two of you sitting up front here, when I was asking you how you responded to it. Can we have a moral response to this novel?
Non-smokers -- such as myself -- are able to take the moral high ground any time a poor, pathetic little smoker dares utter those words "I need a ciggie".
You need a van and someone with no moral.
The research speaks to a need for caution when forming moral judgments, Pizarro added.
The need for a special kind of moral perception (or 'intuition') marks the theory as unacceptable for most philosophers.
They don't need to canonize any moral rule. They know that benevolence, righteousness, loyalty and credit are tools. They can interact with other people without any tools.
As a new generation, we still need to advocate Thanksgiving, Thanksgiving has given us life and moral cultivation, health attitude, ahead of the happy life.
The traditional moral goal lays particular stress on the directionality and consistency, its contents are outmoded and rigescent and its moral course has ignored the need of the subject.
Study is important, but we should not ignore the cultivation of moral and personality, the society need the person who is talented and kind-hearted.
And when we need that extra dash of moral authority, Mahatma Gandhi is one of the most quotable.
The moral of the story is that for personal and professional fulfillment, we all need to strive to be effective givers and takers of advice.
The moral of the story is that for personal and professional fulfillment, we all need to strive to be effective givers and takers of advice.