More shockingly, these products are often advocated by very slim models.
Dangerous counterfeit goods and even more shockingly fake medicines cannot be allowed to continue flowing across borders unhindered.
Shockingly, this happens a lot more than people think.
While his tone and interests seemed shockingly familiar to me even after all those years, within days I learned far more about him than I ever had lying next to him in bed.
This was a shockingly strong start for McGrady, who didn't expect to play more than 20 minutes and almost led his team to a victory over a strong Oklahoma City squad.
这对麦蒂(的纽约生涯)来说是一个很不错的开局。 此前预计他上场不会超过20分钟,不想他竟差点带领球队击败强劲的雷霆队而取得胜利。
More traditional mobile internet solutions like one-person EVDO could quickly feel shockingly unsophisticated.
EARLY this year Asia's economies were falling shockingly fast; now they are rebounding even more strongly than expected.
EARLY this year Asia's economies were falling shockingly fast; now they are rebounding even more strongly than expected.