The McCampbell and the Curtis Wilbur, both destroyers, prepared to move into position off Miyagi Prefecture.
You would give him the ball and he wasn't a typical centre forward. He wouldn't just lay it off and move into position.
To hit the runaround forehand, remember to backpedal quickly and keep your racquet up high as you move into position. Once there, be sure to swing out and give the ball a ride.
The simplest way to move them into the proper position is by message reordering.
The end of April was a superb time to open talks on an important new position, and as you move into May, you may find that you are making strides. Good positions take weeks to get, but keep talking.
The repair plan calls for the astronauts to first remove the failed unit, temporarily stow it and then move the new pump into position.
Failing that, Hughes will have little choice but to move Craig Bellamy into a more central position, the Wales international having recently been deployed in a left-sided attacking role.
When you move into a full-time management position, however, don’t takean occupational hobby with you, lest it distract you from the bigger picture.
Your "sleep position" is the position you always move into right before falling asleep.
As Banks move away from traditional banking to goose their profits and shore up their capital ratios, a handful of global players are getting into position to fill the void.
On the Blocks page, move your mouse pointer over the four-pointed arrow icon, then click and drag your newly created block into the desired position.
If you are forced out of a job, it will be only because you are ready to move up into a better position.
As in all the forward bends, the emphasis is on lengthening the front torso as you move more fully into the position.
Move slowly and deliberately into position.
Unit will attack any enemy it comes into contact with, but will not move from its position.
Thee aircraft is not into position, and can't attach the pier. Please releases brake, and move forward (backward) a little.
I feel I'm ready to move into a managerial position with more responsibility.
We didn't get any sleep, as we were in our stations and they kept moving us as the TF got into position and formation for the move north.
A tennis player show good anticipation by move quickly into position.
As in the moment of writing, you will use seek to move the file pointer into the correct position, there will be no errors of overlapping.
Panorama image creation allows the entire viewing range to be stitched together into one image so users can quickly move the camera to any specific position.
A three-ship amphibious ready group will move from its position off the Horn of Africa into the Mediterranean Sea.
Jane's history seems to endorse popular ideologies of self-improvement: by acquiring self-control she is able to move into a position of social power.
Chorier USES a remote control to move the cradle and camera into the best position to take the picture and check the images with a portable TV screen.
You move and get into position. It takes a moment or two to get it right.
Move the cooler lines back into position.
Move it into the correct position.
Move it into the correct position.