A method of transforming a multi-degree of freedom system into a single-degree of freedom system is defined.
The natural frequency, damping ratio and mode shape of a multi-degree-of-freedom system are analyzed and the identified results are in good agreement with the theoretical values.
A decoupling control approach based on inverse system has been used for the innovative five degree-of-freedom bearing less induction motor, which is multi-variable, nonlinear and high coupling.
The system dynamic reliability of multi-degree-of-freedom (MDOF) system with random parameters and its upper and lower bounds is discussed.
The real modal analysis and complex modal analysis are respectively applied to the multi-degree-of -freedom system according to the different damp.
Dynamical problems about energy dissipation in a finite multi-degree of freedom Hamiltonian system are studied.
A decoupling control approach based on inverse system has been used for the innovative five degree-of-freedom bearingless induction motor, which is multi-variable, nonlinear and high coupling.
The spin-vibrating pulverizer is a kind of multi-freedom degree non-linear system. The methods of determining best parameters are given by the research of the working principles of the machine.
Based on the theory of workflow management system, the multi-degree-of-freedom dynamics analysis and management platform of gear transmission system has been established.
This dissertation primarily represents the study of in multi-degree-of-freedom system dynamics and structural dynamics analyses of an aeronautic gear transmission.
Parametrically excited double pendulum belongs to 2 degree freedom time-varying system, it is a basis to study nonlinear dynamics of multi-degree freedom system and elastic beam.
The most effective way for powerplant-mounting system to obtain excellent vibration isolation performance is to uncouple the multi-degree-of-freedom vibrations as much as possible.
The most effective way for powerplant-mounting system to obtain excellent vibration isolation performance is to uncouple the multi-degree-of-freedom vibrations as much as possible.