Ma says the goal of the Rubin Museum residency is to give visitors a multi-sensory of experience.
More research on the generalization effect of multi-sensory approach is recommended in the future.
Multi-sensory experience is more boring, boring, or even numbness, and sometimes this is what life in the end what is it?
"So it may well be that today's teens and twentysomethings need to have a multi-sensory experience to learn well," Davis said.
But the wafting bread aroma shows smell can usefully be stimulated too, says Simon Harrop, chief executive of BRAND sense agency, a British specialist in multi-sensory marketing.
As an important tool to improve intelligent and manipulative levels of the robot, multi-sensory dexterous robot hand has become one of the most promising researches in robot field.
That is why every dyslexic student needs to learn using a multi-sensory approach that simultaneously combines auditory, visual, and tactile learning strategies to teach skills and concepts.
Winner adopts the children's English initiation education system of "high emotional intelligence, multi-sensory, multimedia, interaction" in accordance with the characteristics of each child.
Dipping tiny toes into the world of stories, words, and sounds, our unique sessions for babies and young children are a multi-sensory blend of storytelling, puppets, bubbles and movement to music.
In addition, because these same children with one or more sensory integration difficulties are always multi-tasking, their nervous system is constantly stressed.
As a part of multi-disciplinary approach, installation art was also introduced into the design; this three-dimensional work is designed specifically to engage with viewer's sensory experience.
Multi-sensor information fusion refers to the synergistic combination of sensory data from multiple sensors to provide more reliable and accurate information.
Multi-sensor information fusion refers to the synergistic combination of sensory data from multiple sensors to provide more reliable and accurate information.