This paper presents a multidimensional scaling method based upon triple objects (samples or variables).
The graph theory multidimensional scaling analysis is ideality method for studying the human population genetic structure.
Multidimensional scaling is a powerful tool for dimensionality reduction in the field of pattern recognition and data mining.
Multidimensional scaling (MDS) is a data analysis technique that transforms proximity information into geometric information.
With the methods of classifying and multidimensional scaling, this paper explores the conceptual structure of Chinese address words.
In other words, one set of instructions can be used to do a wide variety of multidimensional scaling that previously required separate instructions.
Fig. 3 The non-metric multidimensional scaling of major fish in the Qixing Islands Marine Reserve. Species numbers are the same as those in Table 2.
This study, by means of multidimensional scaling and hierarchical clustering, attempts a similar classification of 17 spatial words by the deaf students tested.
This paper presents the methodology of graph theory multidimensional scaling analysis, and explores its applicability for studying human population genetic structure.
The genetic relationships among the varieties were evaluated by dendrograms and Multidimensional Scaling (MDS) , showing that the tested poplar can be classified into five groups .
聚类分析和多维尺度分析将试验材料大体上分为五类, 结果不仅显示了组间不同品种的差异, 而且大体上区分了我国原生品种和外来品种。
Multidimensional scaling to simplify multidimensional data is an attempt "to reduce the dimensionality of data by finding key attributes defining most of the behavior, " says Venkatasubramanian.
Multidimensional scaling to simplify multidimensional data is an attempt "to reduce the dimensionality of data by finding key attributes defining most of the behavior, " says Venkatasubramanian.