Sewage sludge which mainly comes from the primary settling tank and discharge of surplus sludge is the deposit produced in each operating unit in municipal wastewater treatment plant.
This is especially true where the effluent is being discharged to a municipal sewer to avoid shock loadings to the treatment plant.
BOT as one kind of invest and financing mode in municipal construction, has been widely applied in the construction municipal sewage treatment plant, but lacks of completed rules and laws now.
The construction and operation of municipal wastewater treatment plant affect directly its peripheral environment.
Pollution total quantity control in the catchment area of municipal waste water treatment plant should avoid the repetitive treatment of municipal wastewater treatment plant.
As the byproduct of anaerobic sludge treatment, the biogas is a kind of potential utilizable resource in municipal wastewater treatment plant.
There were anti-nitrification floating sludge, aged activated floating sludge and floating sludge from biological foam in the final settling basin of municipal second stage sewage treatment plant.
The biofiltration method was used to treat the odor produced from the activated sludge thickener and sludge dehydrating unit of a municipal wastewater treatment plant in southern China.
Quite a number of expenses were paid for chemical consumption in thickened sludge de-watering operation in municipal wastewater treatment plant.
Is the modern water supply and drainage engineering, pumping station project, sewage treatment plant, water treatment equipment, municipal engineering major suppliers.
Shequshi urban and suburban construction of the existing sewage treatment plant to the recycling of sewage facilities, and encourage renewable water for municipal, environmental, green water ;
Shijiazhuang Gap Shigou municipal solid waste leachate treatment plant construction project;
The dehydration effect for residual sludge from municipal wastewater treatment plant by different filtration aids was researched.
An automatic control system for one municipal wastewater treatment plant is selected, designed and discussed. The results indicate that PLC control system is the best choice.
The study on and design of a municipal wastewater treatment plant adopting this process were described in the paper. An introduction to the...
The study on and design of a municipal wastewater treatment plant adopting this process were described in the paper. An introduction to the...