Conclusion: After supplementation of BCAA the metabolism of protein under exercise condition is changed, and the protein turnover rate is increased in the skeletal muscle of exercised animals.
Recent researches indicate that the GH IGF IGFBP axis plays a crucial part in regulating the metabolism of muscle protein on both basal and stress condit...
新近研究提示,在基础和应激条件下,生长激素胰岛素样生长因子胰岛素样生长因子结合蛋白(GH IGF IGFBP)轴对调节肌肉蛋白质代谢起着核心作用。
PRDM16, the 16th one of pr domain members, is a type of protein found recently, which regulates the metabolism of muscle and adipose tissue.
Recent researches indicate that the GH IGF IGFBP axis plays a crucial part in regulating the metabolism of muscle protein on both basal and stress condition.
新近研究提示,在基础和应激条件下,生长激素胰岛素样生长因子胰岛素样生长因子结合蛋白(GH IGF IGFBP)轴对调节肌肉蛋白质代谢起着核心作用。
Recent researches indicate that the GH IGF IGFBP axis plays a crucial part in regulating the metabolism of muscle protein on both basal and stress condition.
新近研究提示,在基础和应激条件下,生长激素胰岛素样生长因子胰岛素样生长因子结合蛋白(GH IGF IGFBP)轴对调节肌肉蛋白质代谢起着核心作用。