Results The recombinant plasmid with mutant gene was constructed correctly.
This accuracy means that, in practice, the gene therapy only affects the mutant gene.
If you have the mutant gene, that might be co-expressed with favourable components of the human genome.
Researchers in Australia have discovered that people suffering from asthma and arthritis share the same mutant gene.
Therefore, the exploitation, research and utilization of chlorophyll-deficit mutant gene of rice have been highlighted.
Compared with the normal mice, those with one mutant gene slept about 1.2 hours less, and mice with two mutant genes slept 2.5 hours less.
If we can use her DNA to find that mutant gene then we can test it in laboratory animals to see if we can switch if off and slow down the ageing process at will.
To figure out how the genetic mutation impacts sleep, Fu and her colleagues genetically engineered mice to have either two copies of the mutant gene or just one copy.
Given the correct copy as a template, the recombination event occurred at the break site and 11 percent of the cells tested had traded one copy of the mutant gene for the correct version.
But in the Hudson, fish with the gene to make the mutant receptor have thrived, while those without it have died out, Wirgin notes.
Any new flu carries the risk of gene-swapping that can form mutant viruses, and this one has some swine and avian genes that, before this April, had never been seen in humans.
They have pinpointed the malfunction of the protein made by mutant forms of the gene called LRRK2 and how it affects neurons, ultimately leading to their death.
Finally, when the researchers restored the gene for the CO2 receptor back into mutant lines of flies, the flies lived no longer than their normal Cousins.
The researchers hope that understanding more about the gene's mutations and the structure of the protein may lead to drug treatments to help ensure that mutant copies of the gene are inactive.
The mechanism of this albescent phenomenon was discussed, and regarded that the mutation of temperature sensitive mutant is probably mutually controlled by the nuclear gene and nuclear cytoplasm.
Genetic analysis indicated that the leaf colour mutant was controlled by a single recessive gene.
OBJECTIVE To investigate the effect of drug concentration, drug structure of fluoroquinolones on the resistant gene of Escherichia coli mutants selected in the mutant selection window (MSW).
Objective To construct and express a trichosanthin (TCS) gene mutant and purify the expressed product.
A strategy of shotgun antisense gene silencing was used to generate a rice mutant library.
Genetic analysis indicated that the mutant phenotype was controlled by a single recessive gene.
Conclusion the retrovirus vector containing the PIG-A gene was successfully constructed and the expression of CD59 on the mutant K562 cells could be increased.
结论成功构建了PIG - A基因逆转录病毒载体,感染突变型k562细胞后可以提高其CD59的表达。
The mutant G138P was obtained by in vitro site directed mutagenesis of GI gene.
用双引物法对GI基因进行体外定点突变,构建了GI突变体g 138p。
Gene function was identity with Yeast mutant, results is 4 genes cann't express, this showed PLD genes has indifferention.
在酵母突变体中进行基因功能鉴定,结果发现这4 个基因都不表达,这表明酵母与水稻的PLD基因存在较大差异。
The translucent mutant was found as a sponlaneous ocurrence in a European race "410" , and it is controlled by a single recessive gene.
从欧洲品种“410”中发现了一种油蚕突变。 这种突变是由单纯隐性基因控制的。
The low phytic acid mutation with mutant IR-lp1 is a recessive trait controlled by a single recessive nuclear gene.
Methods Based on the usefulness of gene fusion analysis for transcriptional analysis, two kinds of plasmids and integrant mutant strains were developed for the systemic study of PQS.
These are two forms of the gene, one normal and one mutant, and these alternative forms are called alleles.
Genetic analysis indicated that the mutant phenotype was controlled by a single recessive nuclear gene.
Sweet corn is an endosperm mutant which was controled by single recessive gene or multi-recessive genes.
Sweet corn is an endosperm mutant which was controled by single recessive gene or multi-recessive genes.