I haven't seen my old photos for nearly one year.
There were school photos along the corridors that were so much like my old school photos I kept looking for myself in them.
I love looking back at the handful of photos of me and my brother playing together, glimpses of old homes, places we used to play.
As I lay on the living room couch, eavesdropping on their conversation, starting to worry about the future my father was describing, I found myself looking at some old family photos.
I thought about how earlier this week, I discovered a box of old photos - some of me and my brother - and I had to call to ask my mom where I was in them.
On Sunday night in my son's room an old friend of mine was given the task of showing me photos taken by my son of the area of his death. They had been taken several weeks earlier.
The funny thing is that when I look at photos from my middle school cross-country days, I see that I stuck my elbows out too much as a 12-year-old runner, too.
My five-year-old grandson was looking through some old photos when he noticed his grandfather in his Marine dress blues.
My grandparents were looking at the old photos, although day by day the photos turned grey.
My childhood, as recorded in the old photos, was at once real and unreal.
When you open the door ioto my room, a saw a picture of the wall, that was my 10 year old memorial photos.
If someone have seen my photos, they will think I only 14 years old!
Old photos are my best memory.
He took many photos of my old school.
My childhood, as recorded in the old photos, was at once real and unreal.
是一扇门。 正是我童年时代熟悉的月洞门,童话般的门。
My childhood, as recorded in the old photos, was at once real and unreal.
是一扇门。 正是我童年时代熟悉的月洞门,童话般的门。