Problems with annotated named queries.
Refactoring support for relationships and named queries
Named queries are just one example of how annotations can be overused.
I have chosen to use named queries to illustrate a much larger problem.
Hibernate provides no real namespace functionality for the named queries.
All of the named queries have been added as NamedQuery annotations on the entity.
所有已命名的查询在实体上被添加了Named Query注释。
It also generates the SQL statements needed in the execution of JPA named queries.
It USES named queries to resolve the remainder of the URI and executes appropriate logic.
Now, I can easily make changes to named queries without changing my source code and recompiling.
Will perform validation on all named queries at initialization time, and throw if any is not valid.
In Listing 7, you can see where we instantiate this resolver after defining some basic named queries.
Named queries enable you to define a query in a single location. There are many benefits to named queries.
If this option is enabled, named queries will be generated into the appropriate entities, and the JPA Manager Bean query methods will use them.
In this commentary, I will examine the various query styles in JPA, rationalize why they exist, and explain why certain styles (such as named queries) just make no sense to be annotated.
Queries may also use background data in conjunction with named graphs.
In the above example, we used numbered parameters, but you can also use named parameters for more complicated queries.
Definition of parameterized queries that can take parameters as an ordered list, referred to by index Numbers, or as named parameters referred to by name.
Finally, you can have named native queries, and map the results back to a POJO.
In the chart named popular queries, you can find the popular keywords in the order in which they were searched.
In the chart named number of queries, you can track the count of queries based on the date, week, month, or specified period.
You can configure mysqld to log slow queries in the aptly named slow query log.
This enables queries for arbitrary countries where all named countries (from both rules) will be found, but queries for countries that are part of the G8 group are also possible.
The following example queries the attachment configuration for queue AMDC79_ps for a field named add_queue.
下面的示例查询针对名为 add_queue 的字段查询队列 AMDC79_ps 的连接配置。
The JSP, named references.jsp, queries a table of Apache Geronimo references available in the database, as shown in Figure 1.
该JSP(名为references.jsp)将查询数据库中可用的ApacheGeronimo引用的表,如图1 中所示。
The runtime queries the Permission class about its implication reasoning logic by calling a method, aptly named implies.
The core of the BIND service is a daemon called named (or in.named), which handles all of the queries.
BIND服务的核心是一个名为named(或in . named)的守护进程,此守护进程处理所有的查询。
Group members without Named users queries for members of a group, but removes a set of users from the result set.
Named SQL queries may be defined in the mapping document and called in exactly the same way as a named HQL query.
The authors roughly segment the queries according to their Web context and use the Web data to train a complex named-entities classifier.
The authors roughly segment the queries according to their Web context and use the Web data to train a complex named-entities classifier.