For the French team, winning tomorrow's game is a matter of national honour.
Not content with standing on Turkey's own national honour, Mr Erdogan is also intent on making Turkey a champion of the Palestinians.
Today, it is known as National Youth day - a day on which South Africans honour young people and bring attention to their needs.
Last week Sikhosana made a heartfelt plea on national radio for benefactors to make good on their promises: "We know things are tough, but it would be nice to honour the pledges you made."
上星期希克赫撒纳在国家电台衷心请求捐助人信守承诺。 他说,“我们知道形势艰难,但是请你们最好兑现承诺。”
Question number one: Would the Iranian border guards honour my visa and allow a British national across?
"Playing for the national team is an honour, but I am also very happy to play for United, so missing several games is disappointing," he said.
The new cephalopod, also named Paul in honour of his world-famous predecessor who passed away last week, was lowered gently into his tank in a ceremony carried live on national television.
In fact many Japanese nowadays still honour them as their national heroes.
However, the Italian national midfielder can only boast second place in the greatest number of forward passes in Serie a, an honour which belongs to another Rossoneri champion, Clarence Seedorf.
"As Pan Shou, he made his mark in the calligraphy circles, and achieved the honour of Being a" national treasure "."
What are the National Days and Honour Days?
Benny has also had the honour of composing the 2008 National Day theme song.
Benny has also had the honour of composing the 2008 National Day theme song.