Authorized bandwidth The necessary bandwidth required for transmission and reception of intelligence. This definition does not include allowance for transmitter drift or Doppler shift.
The relation between the interception factor and signal parameters is deduced. Large time bandwidth (TB) product is a necessary condition for an LPI signal.
This is necessary to avoid loading redundant data and therefore to use the video memory bandwidth and that of the AGP bus as efficiently as possible.
Flexible bandwidth management also allows service providers can, where necessary, for hiring different wavelengths.
The result indicates that it is necessary to expand the bandwidth because the bandwidth of standard Ethernet is not big enough to meet the needs of video service.
In order to achieve larger bandwidth, it is necessary to use tight coupled sections which are difficult to realize especially high phase shift and low permittivity.
It is necessary to analyze the effects of finite bandwidth to bearing estimation of spatially distributed source.
For sake of using bandwidth more effectively and saving the storage media, it is necessary to make lossy compression on image and video.
Due to the limited bandwidth of communication channel, it is necessary to control the bit rate output of video coding.
The results show that it is necessary to multiply a modulation function for the recorded interferometric intensity to avoid the effect of pulses bandwidth.
The results show that it is necessary to multiply a modulation function for the recorded interferometric intensity to avoid the effect of pulses bandwidth.