Net proceeds not used in the tender offer, if any, will be used for general corporate purposes.
The probate court ordered that the marital home be sold and the net proceeds divided equally.
The remaining net proceeds will be used to reduce borrowings under its amended credit facility.
In simple terms, the world buys from these countries and they then invest the net proceeds in financial markets.
This trade policy is composed of the policies of bubble, compensation, net proceeds and accumulation of emission amount.
The bad bank could retain a modest commission, perhaps 5 percent, and return the net proceeds of asset sales to each bank.
The company said it has the flexibility to utilize the net proceeds from the issuance of the bonds for general corporate purposes.
The company is selling the shares through an accelerated bookbuild and will return 70% of the net proceeds to shareholders through a buyback.
The net proceeds from the sale of a property. The sale price minus legal fees and expenses, realty commission, any taxes paid, mortgage payout etc.
The Company expects to use the net proceeds from this offering for capital expenditure, including improvements to the Huludao Wonder and Qiyiwangguo facilities.
In 1978 Mr Beman encouraged all PGA Tour events to incorporate as charities, and to return all net proceeds from tournaments to the communities that hosted them.
In addition, net proceeds, if any, from the expected sale of Amex's lower Manhattan headquarters will be distributed to Amex members in NYSE Euronext common stock.
The marble mining company's offer price is set at the low end of its indicative HK$2.25-$3.35 range, at which the company will raise HK$1.02 billion in net proceeds.
Where the goods had been sold before its arrival at the port of destination, its value for contribution shall be the net proceeds plus the amount of general average sacrifice.
All or some of these rights are to be developed from the net proceeds of the company's current, ongoing private placement program of redeemable, profit sharing debentures.
Gains and losses on disposal of properties, machinery and equipment are recognized in the income statement Based on the net disposal proceeds less the carrying amount of the assets.
"Netting"means International Members to net the difference of proceeds and payments with SGEI.
"Netting"means International Members to net the difference of proceeds and payments with SGEI.