In the research domains of wireless sensor networks, the design of routing protocol is becoming the core of the network-layer protocols.
Solving the third problem is often related to network-layer protocol considerations because the act of supplying a new IP address depends on being able to prove that one is authorized to receive it.
At the transport layer, the data is encrypted and wrapped in the TLS protocol, for transport across the network.
Network encryption occurs at the network transfer layer of a selected protocol.
Once XDR has translated the data into the common representation, the request is transferred over the network given a transport layer protocol.
一旦XDR 将数据转换为公共表示,需求就通过网络传输给出传输层协议。
The FSH operates at the protocol layer and does not provide the ability to constrain network resources such that no one application can monopolize the network stack.
In the latter case, the protocol layer calls tcp_output , which sends a window update segment on to the network.
在后一种情况中,协议层调用tcp _ out put,将窗口更新段发送到网络。
Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protocol is a cryptographic protocol that provides privacy and security for data communication over the network.
SecureSocketsLayer (SSL)协议是一种加密协议,可为网络上的数据通信提供隐私和安全保障。
Recall that the Internet protocol (IP) is the core network layer protocol that sits below the transport protocol (most commonly the Transmission Control protocol, or TCP).
回想一下,InternetProtocol (IP)是传输协议(通常称为传输控制协议或TCP)下面的核心网络层协议。
Each layer employs the services of the layer underneath, which enables a top layer protocol to transmit messages over the physical network.
This layer provides a common set of functions to be used by lower-level network device drivers to allow them to operate with the higher-level protocol stack.
The network transmission layer is based on network groupings of the uniform protocol.
Network configuration, spectrum allocation, two-way communication, protocol at lower layer and network management for HFC are analysed and studied.
The protocol and layer structure of the network are described.
Logically, the UNET low level library is a network protocol stack built on top of the UDP, containing a "network" layer and a "transport" layer.
We carry out a three layers network subsystem structure that is protocol independent layer in kernel, protocol dependent layer in kernel and user level protocol stack.
IP is the main protocol at the network layer.
The thesis chooses the four-layers structure as the rudiment of our protocol stack system, which includes physical layer, data link layer, network layer and application layer.
Routing protocol is a key issue on network layer in WSN.
This paper provides a reference design of high layer protocol stack for radio interface of centerless and wireless network system.
Interface layer is mainly database interface and the network synchronization protocol.
This paper will discuss the specification of BNEP and the protocol interface between network layer and L2CAP, and describe the construction of Access Point of PAN.
论文详细讨论了BNEP协议以及如何使用BNEP协议实现网络层与蓝牙l2 CAP层的协议接口,并详细介绍了PAN网络接入点的构建。
Cross layer design technique which jointly optimize several layers of protocol stack could improve network performance significantly.
UDP is a very practical network transport layer protocol is feasible, is now widely used in all walks of life, and will in the future play a greater role.
Balanced Application layer multicast Protocol overcomes the unbalance in node degree, distribution of flows, network delay, effect of node failure etc.
The thesis have proposed a project of network interface card based on 32 ARM processor S3C4510B after analyzing in the MAC layer protocol.
论文在分析了MAC层协议的基础上提出了基于32位ARM处理器s3c 4510b的无线网卡设计方案。
Data packets processed by a transport layer of a network protocol associated with the communications network are scanned using signatures from a repository of the signatures.
The network transmit program in user's tasks of the system is based on UDP. It includes network card driving function, protocol layer handling function and user interface function.
The network transmit program in user's tasks of the system is based on UDP. It includes network card driving function, protocol layer handling function and user interface function.