It depends on the operating system and the ability to support network throughput.
While this protection strategy allows higher network throughput, it does so at the cost of some network security.
Comparing simulation results shows that COPE can improve the network throughput of Tactical Internet greatly.
The experimental results show that it not only prolongs the network life cycle, also increases the network throughput.
The proposed protocol makes full use of the spectrum set, improves network throughput, and decreases transmission delay.
When the network is in the state of congestion collapse, the network throughput will decreases sharply with tiny load increment.
The successful application of network coding in P2P network also reveals its advantage in terms of increasing network throughput.
其在P 2 P网络中的成功应用也体现了它在增加网络吞吐率方面的优势。
Two collaborative communication solutions are compared and analyzed in terms of the network throughput and system outage probability.
Performance evaluations prove that the proposed scheme outperforms existing control scheme in both the network throughput and fairness.
Third, P2P content distribution strategy is implemented. Single thread mode leads to high network throughput and efficient disk access.
第三,实现高效的P 2 P内容分发策略,在单线程模型下进行高效的网络交互和磁盘访问。
It has been applied in various aspects of research to improve network throughput, link reliability, network safety, energy efficiency and so on.
Simulation results show that after using the proposed channel assignment algorithm, both the network throughput and stability get effectively improved.
Simulations prove that the proposed scheme has quite good effects in improving the network throughput and fairness as well as reducing the network delay.
In the cellular wireless network resource downlink scheduling, the network throughput and fairness have greatly affected by the channel time-varying characteristics.
Under some circumstances, such as slow network throughput, the Ajax call is not completed after pausing for a specific time and will lead to the failure of the test cases.
NOC is a kind of flexible and scalable micro-network on chip, of which the main guild lines are network throughput, delay, resource consumption and power consumption.
On the other hand, for the multi-source multi-destination multicast network, applying the wireless network coding to the relays can help to enhance the network throughput.
Simulation demonstrated that power control can improve the whole network throughput significantly and the performance of our scheme approximates to that of the optimal algorithm.
With so much rich interface at one's disposal, only two technical metrics on the client have any impact on the game's server infrastructure: network throughput and latency requirements.
In the wireless fading channel environment, cooperative relaying is an effective way to increase additional diversity gain, and network coding can be used to increase network throughput.
The actual experiments show that the network throughput increases, the bandwidth utilization ratio is improved and the network has rapid time response property in the whole routing space.
The simulation results indicate that the proposed protocol in mobile ad hoc networks can prolong the network lifetime, decrease the end-to-end delay and improve the network throughput ratio.
The proposed algorithm reduced the interference to improve the spatial reuse of the channel by adjusting the transmission power of each node, which would give rise to the improved network throughput.
Network and database access is costly and thus, this may not meet your needs if throughput is of Paramount importance.
If there is an issue with transaction throughput, this information is valuable in showing the network activity and how it relates to the transaction activity.
Figure 3 shows the network stream throughput and CPU utilization for the bidirectional scalability test runs while using the system board Ethernet adapters on 1, 2, and 4 nodes of the SUT.
Figure 6 shows the network stream throughput and CPU utilization for the bidirectional scalability test runs while using the system board Ethernet adapters on 1, 2, and 4 nodes of the SUT.
Figure 12 shows the network stream throughput and CPU utilization for the test runs while using the system board Ethernet adapters on 1, 2, and 4 nodes of the SUT.
Memory and CPU based access can provide much lower latency and greater throughput than disk and network based access.
The full test run measured network stream throughput and system CPU utilization for 15 different send message sizes for 3 minutes per message size.