Day to day we may eat foods that are tasty, delicious and never ever stop to wonder where these foods actually originate from?
We're doing it with speed and we're doing it with intelligence and we will never ever stop fighting on behalf of the American people.
So pay attention to it, develop it, nurture it, and never, ever stop.
Have you ever noticed that your hard drive never seems to stop grinding when using Windows Vista?
As she is not rich, the chances that she will ever be able to afford such purchases are remote; but she is never sufficiently strong-minded to be able to stop the practice.
Never before had she felt safe enough to allow such feelings and now that she had she didn't think she would ever stop feeling sad.
Never before had she felt safe enough to allow such feelings and now that she had, she didn't think she would ever stop feeling sad.
While you'll never stop this from happening ever again, you can reduce the emissions by making sure you have everything you need before starting the engine.
Never stop smiling, not ever when you're sad, someone might fall in love with your smile!
But have you ever had the feeling that yourself are being busy all the time, it seems we spend all of our time earning a living and never stop to live our earnings?
Never stop smiling , not ever when you are sad , someone might fall in love with your smile.
No one can ever know all there conceivably is to know about the subject, and even the most experienced DX 'ers can never stop trying to learn more.
Never stop smiling, not ever when you're sad, someone might fall in love with you smile!
Never stop smiling, not ever when you are sad, someone might fall in love with your smile.
If I could stop the moon ever rising. Day would not become night. Wouldn't feel this cold inside. We will never say good-bye.
If I could stop the moon ever rising, Day would not become the night, I wouldn't feel this cold inside, And we would never say goodbye.
A you ever in my heart stopped, but you never stop for me.
The front teeth of rodents like rats and mice never, ever stop growing.
The front teeth of rodents like rats and mice never, ever stop growing.