A plan was devised to move 100,000 Japanese from Hawaii, but this never took place.
In fact, the colonists and Indians never got along very well, and this first Thanksgiving dinner probably never took place.
If any of the changes cannot be committed, the transaction will roll back, undoing all of the changes as if the transaction never took place.
如果有任何变更不能被提交,则事务将回滚(roll back),并取消所有的变更,恢复到事务从没有发生之前的状态。
Mr Krepon says that though similarly alarming conclusions could have been drawn from American or Soviet military literature in the cold war, a space war never took place.
When asked about the meeting (by a journalist friend of mine), Cunhal said that he would confirm it took place only if Antunes didn’t deny it – if Antunes did deny it, then it never took place.
We may never discover what took place that night.
And most of the work, which took place in the years following Miller's landmark experiment with Urey, had never been described in the scientific literature.
I've never been a bird-watcher in the hobby sense of the word but last summer I took a special liking to a little blue jay that came by our place every morning.
I'd never seen so many flowers in one place - it took us almost 30 minutes to cover one or two gardens there.
I suppose I will never know exactly what took place that morning.
All this borrowing took place both because Banks had abandoned any notion of sound lending and because everyone assumed that house prices would never fall.
Reports from Algeria, where the marriage took place, have stated that the bride was never without her make-up before the big day.
While it can be a good way to save money, you just never know what took place with it.
Mrs. Smith took it for granted that a woman was supposed to do cooking in the kitchen and would never allow anyone in the family to take her place.
We have never discovered what took place between them that night.
Hopefully, if we go on to really dominate, as it seems will happen, I'd like to think we would never boast about our 'history' or our money if another team took our place at the top.
Two weeks later an event took place that had never occurred in recorded history.
I have made many mistakes since I took the post. Instead of being depressed, I will learn from the failures and get the experience. Because a wise man never fall down again at the same place.
I have made many mistakes since I took the post. Instead of being depressed, I will learn from the failures and get the experience. Because a wise man never fall down again at the same place.