By comparison, as a New Zealander would say, this well-watered land was "all good".
Two Australians and a New Zealander were reportedly among the dead, and the wounded included 18 other foreign nationals from the us, Australia, Canada, India, the Netherlands, Norway and South Korea.
New Zealander Sir Edmund Hillary and Nepal's Tenzing Norgay Sherpa were the first to ascend to Qomolangma 's summit in 1953. That feat opened Nepal as a popular tourist destination.
The New Zealander-Australian country music star battled an addiction to cocaine in the late '90s, but cleaned up before releasing his self-titled American debut in 2000.
The man doing the helping was a New Zealander in his mid to late forties, with a ponytail, a slight look of Keith Richards and a mouth missing most of its teeth.
The boy was lively and talkative, his mother a New Zealander who'd married a South African.
Still, from my New-Zealander-abroad perspective, it's a change to see my homeland getting some attention.
Did I want to use to use his laptop, asked the helpful New Zealander.
New Zealander Angela Hey said her husband, Owen, works for Shell Oil, which also ordered the families of employees to leave on Saturday.
New Zealander Keisha Lee Kubala ignored that sensible advice and instead showed up in court wearing a T-shirt that said it all: "Miss Wasted."
新西兰人·凯萨•李•库巴拉keisha LeeKubala视这个理智的建议如无物,更有甚者,在出庭时她穿着一件T恤,上面写着:“废物小姐”,真是衣如其人。
New Zealander Richard Lee was applying for a passport online when the system objected to the image he uploaded.
As a New Zealander, and a person who has donated money at times to Greens for their work with clean food and a healthy environment, may I say that I I wish Australia would take him back.
New Zealander of Asian descent has shrugged off the rejection of a passport application photo by software because of his eyes.
I learnt a lot too, because even as a New Zealander, I didn't know all the rules about protecting our beautiful country.
You cannot remain a New Zealander, and I a Hindu, and talk about brotherhood.
When she was working for Cathy Pacific, she met this pilot who was a New Zealander.
The hand transplant recipient, New Zealander Clint hallam, later had it amputated. doctors said he failed to take the required drugs and his body rejected the limb.
From the company's founding by New Zealander Bruce McLaren in 1963 to today, McLaren has achieved a staggering record of successes in a wide variety of racing disciplines.
New Zealander of Asian descent has shrugged1 off the rejection2 of a passport application photo by software because of his eyes.
This beer was designed by our New Zealander Brew Master using NZ Hops.
The mindset in Japan is still 'if you want a pet, go to a pet shop', " said Briar Simpson, a New Zealander who works for Japan's animal shelter ARK, via email."
The New Zealander instructed his wife, Danica, to pass them on to his two sons "should anything happen."
The New Zealander instructed his wife, Danica, to pass them on to his two sons "should anything happen."