You should look into making some physical changes, such as new hair color or toning up your body.
Years ago, when I was a beauty editor, I often talked to hairstylists about how women cut their hair off or tried a bold new hair color after a breakup.
We asked celebrity colorist and blonde expert rick Wellman of Patrick Melville Salon in New York what it takes to get the perfect blonde hair color — and he should know!
Two people worked on my hair sometimes three giving me their full attention putting a new color back onto my head.
This caused them to lose their ongoing ability to make new melanin, the pigment that gives color to hair and skin.
When you perform a character Re-Customization, you may also change the character's hair color and hair style (similar to the in-game barbershop) and select a new name, if desired.
This a mobile application that let you change hair style and color to see your new looks on your photo.
This a mobile application that let you change hair style and color to see your new looks on your photo.