A new agency, the Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization, has launched a five-year project to improve safety standards for the machines.
The country's main industrial research organization thinks Queensland and northern New South Wales together have about 200 years' worth of gas at current rates of production.
The structure of the industrial organization that is centralization & decentralization, the unification & the diversification in a country has the new expression under the globalization.
Industrial cluster is a new type of economic organization, which lies between the market system and the hierarchy system.
Industrial cluster is a special form of economic organization in current international economy, which mainly apears in the field of high and new - tech industry.
Differential technology of industries, location, industrial organization and value chain of an industry have become the main factors of new comparative advantages.
Industry cluster is a wide range of economic and social phenomenon, which is the new form of industrial organization between a pure market and a level of the organizational structure.
It becomes the essence of new industrial structure and a new paradigm of industrial organization.
In recent years, the various forms of cooperation among enterprises have been the focus of study of firm theory, industrial organization theory and new system economics.
The product line extension is one of important rivalry instruments for the multi-product firms, also a study focus of new empirical industrial organization.
Principles of economics, Advanced Microeconomics, New-institutional economics, The Theory of Industrial Organization.
Principles of economics, Advanced Microeconomics, New-institutional economics, The Theory of Industrial Organization.