Professor Philip R. Goodewill at the New Jersey Institute of Technology said that the images were achieved with the 1.6 m clear aperture, off-axis New Solar Telescope (NST) at BBSO.
新泽西理工学院的PhilipR. Goodewill教授说大熊湖新望远镜拍摄的照片使用了有效口径1.6米的离轴光学系统。
Professor Philip R. Goodewill at the New Jersey Institute of Technology said that the images were achieved with the 1.6 m clear aperture, off-axis New Solar Telescope (NST) at BBSO.
新泽西理工学院的PhilipR. Goodewill教授说大熊湖新望远镜拍摄的照片使用了有效口径1.6米的离轴光学系统。