Now, we are passing under the new London Bridge.
The discovery followed a dig ahead of building work for the ChannelTunnel Rail Link's new London terminus.
No one is desiring to make a comment this morning about the new London "bombings" of yesterday so far.
Instead, the project seeks to reconcile a new London house type, subtly differentiated from its forbears.
This new London gigapixel image, if printed at normal photographic resolution, would be 115 feet long and 56 feet high.
It happened to me very recently while trying to book a table at Bob Bob Ricard, a new London restaurant I otherwise liked a lot.
Once the town's social meeting place the gazebo in new London New Hampshire's village green still gathers folk for Friday night concerts.
While Hertford House was undergoing a major restoration and enlargement, he loaned hundreds of pictures and objects from the collection to a new London museum.
Their Seneca Drums is one of the better new London dry-style gins, but their double-distilled bourbon and rye are where Mr. McKenzie’s Southern pedigree shows up.
他们的叫做“塞内卡鼓”(Seneca Drums)的酒是一种更优质的新伦敦干型杜松子酒,但他们的双蒸波旁威士忌和黑麦酒是麦肯齐先生的南部优良品种的体现。
They was stopping in a chaise at the door ofthe New London Inn, as I went there with a message from Sally at thePark to her brother, who is one of the post-boys.
For example, Swiss re's installation of Windows that can be opened in its striking new London headquarters will take more than a decade of reduced ventilation bills to justify their extra cost.
This week his much hyped new movie opens in London.
The company is opening a new flagship store in London.
He was in London publicizing his new biography of Kennedy.
We moved to London about three months ago because Bob got a new job, and we're living in a small flat while we try to find a house.
They were on a plane flying from London to New York.
All this toing and froing between London and New York takes it out of him.
The tallest buildings in London are small in comparison with New York's skyscrapers.
The story then jumps from her childhood in New York to her first visit to London.
On behalf of my crew, I'd like to welcome you aboard British Airways flight 602 from New York to London.
All of the poets we read, even that New England hayseed Robert Frost, begin their careers in metropolitan centers, primarily in London and New York.
When she joined the firm in 1982, it had fewer than 3, 000 employees in its main office in New York and two smaller ones in London and Tokyo.
The central London Railway was one of the most successful of these new lines, and was opened in 1900.
A new road-safety “tag” even graced landmarks in New York, London and Rio de Janeiro.
The loan was secured by three houses, in New York, London and Los Angeles, each of which has now been sold.
Bosses in New York, London and Paris would control the process from their glass towers, and Western consumers would reap most of the benefits.
In New York and London, between a quarter and a third of residents were born abroad.
In new York and London, all the Christmas parties I knew of have been cancelled.
In new York and London, all the Christmas parties I knew of have been cancelled.