This is one of the hot opportunities in new new media: hyperaggregation.
What may emerge from this mess is a new code and a new transparency governing police dealings with the media; the Met has already taken steps in that direction.
The ability to specify new media types using URI mechanism may allow receiving applications to load handlers for new media types.
While the campaign team dedicated over 170 staffers to new media, the White House new media team has fewer than 10 full-time employees.
Something new is happening, he argues: social media has created a vast new source of information about the people using the web.
Big media loves to freak out about new technology, but hates to actually think about new technology.
When they hear about a new social media craze they cringe in agony, desperately hoping it's a passing fad and not another new goddamn thing they'll be aimlessly paddling around in for the next decade.
In other words, every time you mint a new identifier, you're minting a fundamentally new thing, whether it be a HTTP header, a format identified by a media type, or a URI.
Sree Sreenivasan, a new media professor at Columbia Journalism School in New York, said: "The problem is that advertising dollars from newspapers are being replaced by digital pennies."
J. D. Ross, a new media director at Hamilton College in upstate New York, helped trace the sites to Roomsurf — in part through an alias used on Facebook by the Web site’s founder, Justin Gaither.
Ross是一名新媒体总监,就职于纽约州北部的汉密尔顿学院。 他跟踪这些页面找到了Roomsurf,这一成功的举动部分归功于他利用Roomsurf的原始创办人Justin Gaither在Facebook上的账号化名登入。
There's a lesson in that for all of us in the media, for we must adapt to new technology, and not simply by putting the same old wine in new bottles.
"This is the first time that new media worked as a proven concept for how a mainstream media organization can cover an event like this online, " says Riyaad Minty, a new media analyst with Al Jazeera.
Cowan also recommends to avoid new commitments, and to make money he suggests looking at new ways to use media.
New York City author, social media consultant and mom Tamar Weinberg says, "people disagree with the concept of badges, but I think it's fun to chase after new opportunity &status."
已为人母的纽约市作家、社交媒体顾问塔玛‧温伯格(Tamar Weinberg)说:“大家不认同”徽章“的概念,但我觉得追逐新的机会和状态很有意思。”
Unless you happened to be using XP Media Center Edition or Vista and are new to Windows 7, Media Center is probably completely new to you.
Though the rise of new media outlets has created opportunities to promote a new show like hers, sometimes, "I get overwhelmed….
The media covers what’s new – and millions of people dying is nothing new.
The survey also found that 65% of the participants are tracking social media to identify new risks and issues to the company, while 55% are using it to find new prospects or opportunities.
You can't just pick a new MIME media type out of the air for every new format you create.
A new world-old world; new media-old media sort of thing.
In the end, author reached the conclusion: net literature is a new kind of literature which has new characteristics of net media and net style.
It has become a new tool of communication, a new media, and a new mass culture, and a new platform of VR.
New media can be described as the new kid on the block, which puts all the other kids out of business.
That's according to Clay Shirky, a new media scholar from new York University who spoke yesterday at the South by Southwest conference in Austin.
The ubiquity of advertising is not being driven by corporations searching for new ways to sell products but by media searching for new ways to make money.
The new version of RealPlayer combines media player and jukebox and CD burning functionality (similar to iTunes), with a new flagship feature: the ability to download videos from the web.
The new version of RealPlayer combines media player and jukebox and CD burning functionality (similar to iTunes), with a new flagship feature: the ability to download videos from the web.