They found that if they fed the computer thousands or millions of passages and their human-generated translations, it could learn to make accurate guesses about how to translate new texts.
Each of these passages is a death leading to new life.
There are many passages in the Old and New Testaments which it is simply impossible to understand without allegory .
Corrosion resistant ss fluid passages, air Control Valve in Ergonomic handle, with new MAXIMUM DELIVERY air nozzles.
The improvements of new diesel engines in terms of cylinder head side walls, middle walls, inlet and exhaust passages and valves were presented.
Objective: To discuss the new simple-effective method for syphilis of lacrimal passages of babies and infants.
Article 10.2.6 of the Fire Prevention Standard for Building Design (new revision of GBJ 16-87) : all units shall provide emergency lights for evacuation passages, exits and stairwells.
The development of a new geophysical technology to detect buried water conducting passages and to predict water-bearing structures accurately and instantaneously is of great operational importance.
研究和应用非接触式的地球物理 超前探测技术,准确及时地预报掘进前方隐伏的导、含水构造,对于煤矿的防治水 工作与安全生产具有十分重要的现实意义。
The development of a new geophysical technology to detect buried water conducting passages and to predict water-bearing structures accurately and instantaneously is of great operational importance.
研究和应用非接触式的地球物理 超前探测技术,准确及时地预报掘进前方隐伏的导、含水构造,对于煤矿的防治水 工作与安全生产具有十分重要的现实意义。