The two pulled in at Ngamotu Beach near the town of New Plymouth on New Zealand's west coast shortly after midday and were welcomed by a crowd of about 2,000 kayak enthusiasts.
American auto-assembly plants were the envy of every nation. (I'd driven out to Levittown in my new blue Plymouth, paid for out of my earnings from research.)
August 20, 1984 - AM General Divison corporate offices were moved from the American Motors AMTEK Building to new facilities off Plymouth Road in Livonia, Michigan.
The first permanent English settlement in the New World was at Plymouth Bay in what is now the state of Massachusetts in 1620.
Further expansion occurred in 1995 with a new shop in Croydon and in Plymouth.
The Mayflower transported Pilgrims to the New World in 1620, as depicted in William Halsall's the Mayflower in Plymouth Harbor, 1882.
The Mayflower transported Pilgrims to the New World in 1620, as depicted in William Halsall's the Mayflower in Plymouth Harbor, 1882.