Overall, though, he seemed pleased by the results, as polls started to tighten and his news media coverage changed.
Weekly World News was the first to print the image and report on Dr. Masson's findings, but despite the media coverage, NASA refused to acknowledge the existence of the photo.
Instead, it was part of CNN's strategy of relying less on outside media outlets for news coverage.
"Be thoughtful about where you are and where you're going," says Bacon, who also advises mentioning recent media coverage or news about the organization when relevant.
It's not news that attention spans are short or that interest in an issue declines with media coverage (both traditional and social).
Has no need of media coverage by trade journalists who search blogs for news items, controversies, and emerging trends.
New media partnerships helped pave the way: ABC News with Facebook; CBS with Google; and NBC is embedding their video coverage on Twitter.
The rise ofdigital-media firms has done little to restore local news coverage, which has suffered with theclosure of many local papers.
But an unexpected mobilization, prompted partly by unusually vigorous and dramatic coverage of the disaster in the state-run news media, has come from outside official channels.
The rise of digital-media firms has done little to restore local news coverage, which has suffered with the closure of many local papers.
Description: a voluntary group concerned about animal welfare. Provides reports about instances of animal torture, media coverage, and news about the group's activities.
Author through the details of the paintings, shocked, worried the picture Wenchuan earthquake coverage, to think and to explore the international news media.
There is also an issue with the lack of coverage on Squash by the traditional news media, which can be basically compensated by the flexibility and low investment of web news.
A privately owned press had blossomed there, providing the critical news coverage previously absent from the state-controlled media.
The disaster has been reported extensively by the Chinese media, with state-run television providing 24 hour news coverage.
A majority of the scientists believe that news coverage is at best fair and that the media does poorly at educating the general public.
Quite a number of famous websites have begun to appear, relying on information flow from the news media, and taking full advantage of the latter's superior news coverage.
Some British media agencies have been scathing in their coverage of Mr. Zuma's polygamy and the recent news of his 20th child, born out of wedlock.
Particularly the broadcast media, with innate features of timely response, wide coverage, portable listening, convenient receiving, have unique advantages in news reporting of public emergency events.
Particularly the broadcast media, with innate features of timely response, wide coverage, portable listening, convenient receiving, have unique advantages in news reporting of public emergency events.