The trace Rh was concentrated with minified nickel sulfide fire assay before it was determined.
Pyrrhotite, Pentlandite and chalcopyrite are main metallic minerals in cop-per-nickel sulfide deposits.
With the resource shortage of nickel sulfide ore, laterite will be the main source of nickel in the future.
Therefore the biological method to treat low-grade copper and nickel sulfide ore is effective and practical.
The invention relates to a wet treatment method extracting nickel from iron containing nickel sulfide material.
CONCLUSION: Crystalline nickel sulfide could induce genomic instability in the 16hbe cells induced by nickel acetate.
Jinchuan nickel mine is one of the world - famous large scale multi - metal associated copper - nickel sulfide deposits.
The related parameters showed that such method could be applied to the analysis of Pt and Pd in the copper-nickel sulfide.
The contents, occurring state and geological characters of the associated gold and silver in the magmatic type of copper and nickel sulfide deposits in China are discussed in this paper.
This paper studies the possibility of using nickel-nickel sulfide composite coating obtained by electrodeposition as the active cathode material for hydrogen evolution reaction in alkaline solution.
The results showed that both cytotoxicity of and phagocytosis activity to nickel refinery dust (from pyrometallurgical sulfide nickel matte refinery) were the strongest among the tested samples.
In addition, there also existed the hybridization of the crustal substance which contained OS with high radioactivity during the formation of the sulfide nickel deposit.
With the sulfide ore resources are deficient day by day, the enlargement of the nickel output roll mostly stem from the laterite ore in the future.
So far. sulfide ore of copper (nickel) was discovered on the west of Kudi in Kuerliang of the North Kunlun, but no one got the report that the ore was found in the area of North Kunlun.
Pyrrhotite is a common iron sulfide in nature and is usually associated with various useful components, such as nickel, cobalt, copper, zinc and other valuable metals.
The present situation of bioleaching of nickel—bearing sulfide ores, including leaching conditions, reaction mechanism and affected factors for leaching has been described in this paper.
With the depletion of sulfide nickel mineral resources, the boom of exploration and utilization of laterite-nickel mine arrived.
In China, it is more prominent, about 86% amount of nickel, 90% amount of platinum metals, 7.3% copper comes from nickel-copper sulfide magmatic deposits.
In China, it is more prominent, about 86% amount of nickel, 90% amount of platinum metals, 7.3% copper comes from nickel-copper sulfide magmatic deposits.