The Li men jostle to sell me supper, all of it live: white-breasted waterhens, little egrets, a black-crowned night heron and a spot-billed duck, the only duck where male and female look alike.
"All I want is a good home and a wife and children and some food to feed them every night, " says Scott-Heron, bringing the fantasy to a close.
AllIwantisagoodhomeandawife andchildren andsomefoodto feedthemeverynight"(“我所想要的只是一个温馨的家庭和一个妻子和几个孩子和一些食物每天晚上来养活他们”),Scott-Heron说,把幻想带到结束的终点。
The results indicated that HCH isomers DDT and its metabolites could be detected in various environments and preys of night heron although the organochlorined chemicals were banned for almost20years.
The residue situation of PCB congeners in eggs of night heron breeding in Wuxi area of Jiangsu and Gongqing City of Jiangxi was analyzed.
The residue situation of PCB congeners in eggs of night heron breeding in Wuxi area of Jiangsu and Gongqing City of Jiangxi was analyzed.