Insects produce less ammonia than pig and poultry farming, ten times less methane than livestock, and 300 times less nitrous oxide.
The atmosphere has small amounts of nitrous oxide.
Dentists may give patients nitrous oxide so they will not feel pain.
Beaulieu and colleagues measured nitrous oxide production rates from denitrification in 72 streams draining multiple land-use types across the United States.
Nitrous oxide is stable at ground level but breaks down in the upper atmosphere to form compounds that trigger chemical reactions that destroy ozone.
As a result: Nitrous oxide became an early form of anesthesia.
It is then converted to nitrous oxide which adds to global warming.
Nitrous oxide is also a greenhouse gas.
The problem with this method is that methane and nitrous oxide emissions fluctuate strongly in time and space.
Methane is the most important of these gases, followed by black carbon and nitrous oxide.
The insects generally produced less methane, nitrous oxide and ammonia both per unit of body mass and per unit of mass gained than pigs or cattle.
Using new technology, clean coal plants sharply reduced the number of sooty particles spewed into the air, as well as gases like sulfur dioxide and nitrous oxide.
Before a procedure, patients inhale these gasses, which are mixed with either oxygen or nitrous oxide.
That's the case for some of the gases that contribute to climate change, such as methane and nitrous oxide.
Where appropriate, emissions of other greenhouse gases, such as nitrous-oxide from soils and methane emissions from animals, are also taken into account.
While nitrous oxide is a powerful greenhouse gas, when it's burned as rocket fuel, the only byproducts are hot oxygen and nitrogen.
The emission of methane and nitrous oxide is largely the result of agricultural activities; nitrous oxide from fertilisers and methane mostly from cows.
Like Gollany, Johnson USES the specialized Chambers to measure the levels of carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide released throughout the entire year.
Because precipitation usually increases nitrous oxide emissions from the soil, she also collects data after any rain or snowfall.
Then there's manure —all that animal waste generates nitrous oxide, a greenhouse gas that has 296 times the warming effect of CO2.
接下来是动物粪便——所有动物的粪便都产生一氧化二氮,一种温室效应是CO2 296倍的温室气体。
Then there's manure - all that animal waste generates nitrous oxide, a greenhouse gas that has 296 times the warming effect of CO2.
接下来是动物粪便——所有动物的粪便都产生一氧化二氮,一种温室效应是CO2 296倍的温室气体。
There, in a process called denitrification, microbes convert the nitrogen into nitrous oxide (also called laughing gas) and an inert gas called dinitrogen.
Scientists estimate nitrous oxide accounts for about 6 percent of human-induced climate change.
Although present in minute concentrations in Earth's atmosphere, nitrous oxide is a highly potent greenhouse gas and is becoming a keyfactor in stratospheric ozone destruction.
Soil stores organic carbon, but can emit methane and nitrous oxide.
Compared with carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide is 300-fold more potent in terms of its warming potential, though carbon dioxide is a far more prevalent greenhouse gas.
He and some of his grad students wanted to use nitrous oxide as an emissions-free energy source.
She concluded that when used properly, uncertainty in measured emission levels of methane and nitrous oxide could be reduced from about 50% to less than 10%.
Intensive farms also use fertilizers which release the powerful greenhouse gas nitrous oxide when applied to the soil.
Intensive farms also use fertilizers which release the powerful greenhouse gas nitrous oxide when applied to the soil.