If I can clone, I want to clone many human organs, let people hurt by the different degree to have a hope to live, no longer is the contempt of others.
There are no controls in this control array. Loading a new control requires an existing control to clone.
It's no longer a fantasy for scientists to clone humans.
Before that, the Clone Wars crewers were peeling back the curtain on the creative process required to bring a show that looks like no other animated television series to the screen every week.
I'd like to clone an animal that no longer lives in the world.
There was no obvious difference in the cell clone efficiency between human fetal eccrine sweat gland cells (7.3%) and human fetal keratinocytes (7.7 %, P>0.05).
There is also no relationship in rooting rate between the hardwood cutting and the softwood cutting of the same clone.
There was no cell clone observed in soft agar.
Results and Conclusion: the PCR screening method was convenient and fast for confirming positive recombinant clone, and there was no need for preparation and purification of the plasmid.
But no one could prove he was a clone of Mozart without digging up the original, so the media treated him as a joke.
The clone did make it to the Frankfurt Auto Show however no news has been released yet on a potential lawsuit.
No doubt, the clone also belong to artificial reproductive technology, and even future artificial reproductive technology indispensable part.
The only exception was No. 17 clone, in which although the content of phenolic compound of the leaf was lower than that of control, the content of phenolic compound was lower.
Quantum key distribution technique is a popular research subject in information security field, which is based on Heisenberg's uncertainty principle and no-clone theory.
If a class contains only primitive fields or references to immutable objects, then it is usually the case that no fields in the object returned by super. clone need to be modified.
如果一个类只包含基本字段或对不变对象的引用,那么通常不需要修改super .clone返回的对象中的字段。
He's got no originality - he's just a Mozart clone.
He's got no originality - he's just a Mozart clone.