No great man ever complains of want of opportunity.
No great character, no great man, or even a great artist, great actors.
Not a great character, there is no great man, not even a great artist, great actors. — Roman Roland.
Failure is an opportunity: no great man or woman ever achieved significance without great failures to learn from.
Failure eis an opportunity: no great man or woman ever achieved significance without great failures to learn from.
jeffreyftang – Legacy: “No man is truly great who is great only in his lifetime.
@jeffreyftang –Legacy: “一个人在他所处的时代是伟大的不意味着他是真正伟大的.
The mythical men of the starship Enterprise were scientists: known throughout the universe as a great thinker, Spock boldly went where no man had gone before.
No man ever got as much out of life as G. K. Chesterton, and he remarked, "Here dies another day during which I have had eyes, ears, hands, and the great world around me."
Animals obtain food by force. Man has no claws, no fangs, no horns, no great strength of muscle.
The poor man is wont to complain that this is a cold world; and to cold, no less physical than social, we refer directly a great part of our ails.
He is endowed with all the great virtues of a great man; has no enmities, no dislikes for any human being.
No man ever yet became great by imitation.
没有人能通过模仿别人而成名。 。
Respect the masterpiece. It is true reverence to man. There is no quality so great, none so much needed now.
You go the way of your great man: behind you there will be no retreat, this must be your greatest courage.
No man ever becomes great or good except through many and great mistakes.
Though he is by no means considered to be a great man, his name will probably remain glorious, for the greatest building was named after him.
No matter how great a man is, if you divide his life into a day, you will discover most of his time is ordinary and trivial.
What is glory without virtue? A great man without religion is no more than a great beast without a soul.
No young man, no matter how great, can know his destiny. He cannot glimpse his part in the great story that is about to unfold.
No man ever became great or good except through many and great mistakes.
For the LORD hath driven out from before you great nations and strong: but as for you, no man hath been able to stand before you unto this day.
The great Kant was a modest man who humorously remarked that "great people only shine from afar" and that even a prince or a king loses a lot in front of his servant, "because no man is great.
No one will be my idol, even the great man is no exception, after the only example.
Obviously, this old man had no great plans, dreams or anything significant for his life.
No great thing comes to any man unless he has courage.
There is no man with a mad character, no great talent.
Not having the resourcefulness of these great man, I could find no words to make the bad symbolism good.
Not having the resourcefulness of these great man, I could find no words to make the bad symbolism good.