There is no physical evidence or accurate description on record.
This is a particularly useful method of fact-finding where no physical evidence of an action may have taken place.
The Crown Prosecution Service said there was insufficient evidence to proceed because I had been drinking and there was no physical evidence.
Genesis claims that these Jews went on to build the Tower of Babel, although there is no physical evidence of its existence (or of the Hanging Gardens, one of the seven wonders of the ancient world).
No obvious physical evidence of such a collision has been found.
The physical evidence will be there to require an assimilation, however, and man will have to reconcile this with his own sense of no time being lost.
Another study suggests that low birth weight babies with no evidence of disability may be more likely than other children to have physical and mental problems.
But when I review the evidence, I come away thinking there's no good reason to move beyond the physical.
However, the witness statements as well as the physical evidence leave no doubt that combustible iron dust was also involved in the aftermath of the explosion.
However, the witness statements as well as the physical evidence leave no doubt that combustible iron dust was also involved in the aftermath of the explosion.