No thanks to his gallantry for that.
But that is no thanks to Bihar's pen-pushers.
No thanks to me, however, as I never brought in any new members.
I have no idea whether this poor woman kept the roof over her head; all I know is, if she did, it would have been no thanks to Mr Obama.
No dessert for me, thanks. It was as much as I could do to finish the main course.
Thanks to an exhausted and cranky state, for which there is no prospect of dramatic reform, much of the job of development will fall upon the private sector.
Thanks to a TV show, Fu Sheng is no longer a stranger to us.
If you are sure you would say "No, thanks!" to this dish, think again.
Connie: No, thanks. I really should be going. I have to get up early tomorrow.
How, for example, could Alan Greenspan have declared, just a few years ago, that “the financial system as a whole has become more resilient” — thanks to derivatives, no less?
But Nixon was unwilling to pay for both, so postponed the station (a cousin of which exists today, thanks in no small part to the Russians, in the form of the ISS).
Eventually, six people were arrested, but no one was hurt, thanks largely to the deterrent effect of the large police presence.
As much as I profess to being a writer, there are no words, no means of expression to convey my thanks to the hundreds of people that helped me.
So I was able to rent an apartment with almost no trouble thanks to her.
Yet, for all the pain, no large bank has yet failed—thanks in large part to the capital they had been forced to hold.
But thanks to its gargantuan energy consumption, that's no silver bullet either.
Five years after the disaster there is almost no visible sign of the destruction, thanks to the community's rapid redevelopment initiative.
The good news is that, thanks to more precise measurements, the asteroid is no longer deemed a serious threat.
That was led by a decline in consumer expectations of the future, no doubt thanks to relentless bad news about America's credit rating, Europe and the Dow.
That was led by a decline in consumer expectations of the future, no doubt thanks to relentless bad news about America’s credit rating, Europe and the Dow.
The price of photovoltaic panels is falling, thanks in no small part to manufacturing economies of scale spurred by widespread deployment in countries like Germany.
Australia's resources boom shows no sign of slowing down, thanks largely to demand from Asia.
That is no longer an issue, thanks to modern semiconductor controls.
The deflation Mr Ma predicted has shown no signs of abating, thanks to a number of factors that include the currency peg, cheaper costs on the mainland and government relief measures.
Now, though, that's no longer the case, thanks to a Dutch animal lover who has created a beer especially for our canine chums.
Over the past year, several people have shot to fame or notoriety thanks (or no thanks) to the Internet.
But on 95% of the land where wildlife is found it nets landlords no money at all, thanks to laws that prevent animals being hunted for food, sport or valuable body parts.
But on 95% of the land where wildlife is found it nets landlords no money at all, thanks to laws that prevent animals being hunted for food, sport or valuable body parts.