The Senate committee approved Geithner's nomination, however he must wait another week for final confirmation while Republicans continue to dig into his tax affairs.
Some groups have been advocating the Internet for the prize for months, but the nomination was officially accepted only this week, during the first meeting of the Norwegian Nobel Committee on March 9.
The committee voted 18-5 yesterday to approve the nomination of Geithner, 47, who is the president of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York.
委员会昨天以18票对5票通过了对盖特纳的提名,47岁的他曾经是纽约联邦银行(Federal Reserve Bank of New York)的总裁。
The committee voted 18-5 yesterday to approve the nomination of Geithner, 47, who is the president of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York.
委员会昨天以18票对5票通过了对盖特纳的提名,47岁的他曾经是纽约联邦银行(Federal Reserve Bank of New York)的总裁。