"In fact, when you really examine the fossil and living non-human primate evidence, that is just not the case," he explained.
The cynomolgus macaque is one of the most important and widely used non-human primate animal models in basic and applied biomedical research.
Currently, study of the mechanism of HIV-1 mucosal infection majorly depends on in vitro cell culture systems and non-human primate animal models.
目前,HIV - 1黏膜感染机制的研究主要依赖于体外细胞培养和灵长类动物模型。
Wrangham and Kahlenberg agree that "biological predilection" appears to be involved in both toy selection and forms of play among human and non-human primate males and females.
Wrangham and Kahlenberg agree that "biological predilection" appears to be involved in both toy selection and forms of play among human and non-human primate males and females.