He then appeals to the existence of a perfect God and a non deceiving God to justify reliance on his mental faculties and that just looks viciously circular.
As an example, Listing 2 can leverage the existence or non-existence of positional parameters to provide a helpful usage message if you specify no arguments.
In Tristan and Isolde, this release from life is achieved by the self-sacrificial love of a woman who is prepared to share her lover’s non-existence and unite with him in death.
To explain the fact that we've got free will, so the objection goes, we have to appeal to — we have to posit — the existence of a soul, something non-physical, something more than purely physical.
They hope in time to make the non-existence of appearance appear, for in that moment what we now take to be existence will be seen to be in truth only an outlying portion of the diabolic essence.
I was really fascinated by the appearance of a non-existent place that the Internet had the power to make real and give a semi-existence.
These men maintain that existence is only apparent; non-existence is the only true reality.
Perelman's theorem goes far beyond proving this "non-existence" claim, just as Wiles' theorem tells you much more than non-existence of integer solutions of certain equations.
Why do we care more about future non-existence? Than past non-existence?
Again, you may look upon life as an unprofitable episode, disturbing the blessed calm of non-existence.
Non technical managers – These people are considered the bane of most programmer’s existence.
Inevitably, Shenton's -argument forces him down all kinds of logical blind alleys - the non-existence of gravity, and his argument that most space exploration, and so the moon landings, are faked.
These issues, in tandem with the non-existence of a sound it governance approach, led to a crisis of credibility between business and it.
From the existence or non-existence of an atomic fact we cannot infer the existence or non-existence of another.
Another of our non-winning favorites, this map shows a sample of 76,425 recognized species — just a fraction of the 5 to 100 million estimated life forms in existence.
The property verification's phase determines the existence (or non-existence) of a property in a program.
It is therefore beyond our conceptions of good and evil, right and wrong, existence and non-existence.
The picture presents the facts in logical space, the existence and non-existence of atomic facts.
The existence of atomic facts we also call a positive fact, their non-existence a negative fact.
The existence and non-existence of atomic facts is the reality.
And can you validly talk about your own non-existence as an actual experience?
This section is also non-physical existence.
Sleep is the pleasure of non-bodily existence.
Emptiness doesn't necessarily mean nihilism or non - existence; on the contrary, it designates an inexhaustible power and capacity that can manifest everything.
Emptiness doesn't necessarily mean nihilism or non - existence; on the contrary, it designates an inexhaustible power and capacity that can manifest everything.