It is not conceivable that Britons could have been forced to vote a second time (a standard EU ploy when voters rebel).
It's far beyond what most Internet users would ever need, but Google's premise is that if it builds such a network, innovators will dream up applications simply not conceivable with today's pipes.
They had not lived in every conceivable manner, far from it, but what room would there be for the multitude if each individual tried to exhaust the permutations of existence?
Health insurance is not a bad thing, but it is not the only conceivable way to get health care.
It is conceivable that we might abandon a floating exchange-rate system, as the BRIC countries, especially China, are not as happy with today's system as many in the West are.
They are subject to every conceivable kind of illusion, not to be trusted, and Socrates calls them liars.
Without their support the project would not have been conceivable.
The camera is also great--not as good as the iPhone 4S, and, oddly, not as good as the older and worse-in-every-other-conceivable-way Nokia N8.
He does not cling tightly to classical principles, but sees all conceivable possibilities when he is confronted with a physical problem.
Not once did I use an original argument, for I knew none. I was merely an infuriated parrot, speaking out of the richest store of ignorance conceivable.
Was it conceivable that the second arrow did NOT even exist?
And indeed, it is conceivable that this is not a memory leak at all.
To leave letters unanswered is not equivalent to forgetting friends, no more than it is conceivable that debtors can forget their creditors.
Not only that transports these grain the domesticated fowl the transportation which the meats must consume the petroleum the manpower and so on resources we are far from conceivable.
The enterprise whose financial statements are being reported is a "going concern", not only as of the time reporting is being done, but also for the conceivable future.
It does not tell us what to do in all conceivable circumstances, nor does it offer a "blue print" of an earthly Utopia.
It does not tell us what to do in all conceivable circumstances, nor does it offer a "blue print" of an earthly Utopia.