Not just friends, but the world.
"The zero-waste lifestyle is not for ascetics. It is just around us." Chen expects some of her friends to join her on the road to zero waste.
Such was the origin of Christmas almsgiving: gifts for the poor, not just gifts for our friends.
Though not a disaster, this would inconvenience us greatly – but Andreas, the chief, and I had become good friends by this point and we just shared a guilty schoolboy grin.
Which was exactly what my friends had been seeking that whole time, reading He's Just Not That Into You and sending covert text messages to decipher their dates' behavior.
It is also not just about how they perceive themselves, but how others perceive them: they believe they will lose the respect of friends and colleagues if they fail.
I know this sounds weird, but I was so interested in my friends, I didn't even notice the sky had gotten darker- not much, just enough.
M: Not much, just a house party with some friends.
Even without the relocation factor, some people are just not natural social butterflies and as a result, find it tough to have many friends no matter where they live.
The whole point of global talking-shops is that they include everybody, not just your friends.
For me, it's not just that I don't remember my friends' Numbers anymore-i never knew them.
It was not just the friends that Babur missed.
Facebook is not just another Web site: it is a service that "Facebookizes" every Web site it touches, making me bring all of my friends with me, like luggage.
Repair cars. Offer to perform simple car repairs for friends and family. It's a win-win situation: you make some extra cash, and they save money. (Just be sure not to get in over your head.)
Since we're not Facebook friends - at my instigation - I agreed he could momentarily become one just while he tagged the image.
Okay,I understand,"said the husband.Looking at this,the lawyer suggested a dinner together,just the three of them.The wife agreed,why not,since they will still going to be friends anyway.
When you only have thirty or forty friends, it’s often not a big deal to just lump them all together.
I just told my family, not even my friends.
This could be down to laziness, the cost of going out or simply not wanting too much personal contact with friends and family but just enough to swap brief messages and online chats。 It all adds up.
This could be down to laziness, the cost of going out or simply not wanting too much personal contact with friends and family but just enough to swap brief messages and online chats.
Researchers say the technology could benefit not just patients but also family and friends, helping them avoid the routine of repeating conversations over and over.
And I am Soooo Not Competitive: we don't just want more friends than everybody else; we also want the highest score in Word Twist and the most virtual Easter Eggs.
Nurture the friends you do have. Friendships do not just happen, they need work.
But sadly, just as you can choose your friends but not your relatives, you can choose your father figures but not your actual father.
To put it in the words of our Pakistani friends, Pakistan not just likes but loves China.
Mr Downing warned that just because you were friends with someone as a child it did not follow that you could safely share personal information with them.
Instead, we should be sending specific messages when trying to motivate our staff, our team, our customers, or our friends - not just a call for action but a call for this particular action.
Instead, we should be sending specific messages when trying to motivate our staff, our team, our customers, or our friends - not just a call for action but a call for this particular action.