Media reports have not necessarily presented accurate information about the risk of getting infected on an airplane in the past.
Governments should set safety requirements and then let insurers price the risk of the robots based on the manufacturer's driving record, not the passenger's.
Because we've learned that risk does not respect national borders, our plan will not focus solely on improving the basic framework in the United States.
Should this be allowed to continue, it will leave bank supervisors as the main restraint on excessive risk taking - not the Banks themselves or their investors.
When they hold a mortgage, they take on not only credit risk but also interest-rate and prepayment risk.
If triggering is not enabled and messages are left unprocessed on queues, there is an increased risk of service failures or timeouts.
Clearly, a growing number of car companies think the risk of depending on a single (and not so reliable) source of rare-earth metals is too high.
Experience forces us to disagree with the broad assessment that the risk is not worth the reward, but we do agree that the risk should be assessed on a case-by-case basis.
Why risk spending$1m on a work you might not be able to re-sell?
(Vietnam, though not included in the table, also scores high on the risk rating).
You may not want to hear some of these Numbers, but getting information early on about your risk level can help you avoid a heart attack down the road.
The scientists stress that their conclusions are based on laboratory studies on mice, and it is not known if exercise lowers the risk of skin cancer in humans.
By taking on different functions, a bank spreads its risk - it is not putting all its eggs in one particular financial basket.
Leaving important things to the last minute reduces the risk of wasting time on things that may ultimately prove not important at all.
But if their sales forecasting is not on the button, companies risk annoying consumers who cannot get hold of their products because they are out of stock.
Judgment skills were not found to have a direct impact on bullying risk.
One risk, however, is that a faulty part could cause problems not on just one product but across many product lines.
You may choose to take on risk or responsibility for some of these things that the provider does not.
This decoupling can make risk management appear as a project add-on, not a core activity that benefits the project.
Investors, it seems, would rather not risk their cash on discretionary litigation.
Only 32 countries were formerly believed to be at risk of not achieving education for all on the basis of enrollment rates.
The step you have to take is that while risk and return are positively correlated—if you want higher returns, you generally need to take on more risk—they are not linear.
I asked the Senate not to take the risk that Judge Bork would act on his long-held convictions rather than on the more moderate assurances he was then giving in the confirmation process.
I asked the Senate not to take the risk that Judge Bork would act on his long-held convictions rather than on the more moderate assurances he was then giving in the confirmation process.