Explain yourself and not the other person, so you can speak out your ideas by starting with "I" but not "You".
Please realize, however, that the dynamics of your relationship is the problem, not the other person.
I was once in a meeting where somebody not in the meeting sent an IM to the person sharing his desktop, that disparaged one of the other meeting participants.
The other person "might realise she's not as trapped as you are saying she is, or as she feels."
That means not always making yourself "right" or "clever" and the other person "wrong" or "stupid".
So if you are not right and the other person is not wrong, what are the other options?
If I don't say these words, the other people would think that I'm not a well-behaved person.
Forgiving was more for me to make a better life and not so much to absolve the other person of what I perceived to be their wrongdoing.
What are the things that I am not willing to do, but the other person may be so wiling to do that could be the factor in them being more successful than me?
In either case, problems like these are not about the other person, they're about us.
However, the other person might not know that and could become offended by what may appear to be rudeness.
This means [keeping the issue private] not only during the conversation, but also after. This will help the other person feel safe talking to you and remedying the problem.
The thoughts, views, and opinions expressed in this paper are solely mine, and do not necessarily reflect nor agree with the views of any other person or organization.
Whether the other person is interested or not, you'll never know unless you ask.
If you are not honest with the other person, you are technically not communicating.
Sometimes both people realize the relationship has reached its end; sometimes one person feels this way when the other does not.
Two, it’s not OK to make the person you’re gazing at (or other people who witness you looking) uncomfortable.
It is not just for the other person that you forgive, but for yourself, so you don't waste your life angry with someone or continue to hold a grudge.
It's counterproductive listening, in which you're not really listening to the other person at all.
I’m aware of the many sides of the other person----not just the beautiful side but also the limitations, inconsistencies and flaws.
That's one reason my love is not always happy, because just loving the other person is no guarantee that both of you can be fully satisfied with what happens to each of you.
Forgiving is hard when you are hurt repeatedly. Forgiving is hard when the other person does not seem to be sorry.
If you are not sure, then ask the other person to respect your feelings and to give you time.
Influencing is getting events to happen by convincing the other person that your way is the better way - even if it's not what they want.
Other people may not realise that the person with ADHD does not want to cause trouble.
Maintain eye contact, lean in and pause when your faces are close but not touching, to allow the other person space to escape or, hopefully, lean in too.
Also, try to make your story short, giving the other person a chance to speak and not interrupt.
Also, try to make your story short, giving the other person a chance to speak and not interrupt.