But the study noted that the tendency to hear voices or have other hallucinations may not be caused by caffeine, but simply reflect the kind of people who drink lots of coffee.
Halliwell noted, though, that C. elegans can not be used to study the effect of free radicals on stem cells, which evidence suggests may be important.
The city of the future is shaping up to be a neighborly Panopticon, leeched of the cosmopolitan ability to see, and not be seen, where every nosepick is noted and logged and uploaded to the Internet.
Sobel noted that the tear signaling is likely not tied to gender, but rather to dominance: Less dominant people may be sending aggression-reducing messages to stronger individuals via their tears.
It should be noted that the findings in this article refer to a mail DPAR and not an application DPAR.
As one Turkish columnist has noted, for Turkey to be so touchy about the minutiae of a congressional vote betrays weakness, not strength.
This is not to say that physical bullying between girls does not exist or that its effects should be diminished in any way, "Kraus noted."
It should be clearly noted that this work is not intended to compete with the work of WS-I.
有一点需要明确说明的是,这项工作并非要与WS - I的工作构成竞争。
These provide a handy way to view the full code base and refer to specific class information that may not be adequately noted in the model views I have included with this article.
It should be noted here that our team is geographically dispersed so, although we talk on the phone regularly, we do not get the chance to chew the fat at lunch or around a water cooler.
But studies by the ILO in hazardous industries like glass production or diamond polishing have shown this not to be the case, "noted Mr." Sumpsi.
It should be noted that this is not unique to Subversion.
It should be noted that this form of continuation can capture references but not the heap allocated objects those references point to.
It should also be noted that Oracle is certified to run on both, though Oracle rac is not yet certified to run on either implementation.
It should be noted that establishing a CoE is not sufficient in itself for SOA success; the definition of policies, processes, and methods to support SOA are integral for governance as well.
We noted above that NHibernate does not require any special interfaces or other code in a class that is to be mapped.
It should be noted that this document does not attempt to provide a step-by-step guide to developing artifacts in WebSphere Process Server.
应该注意,本文档并不准备提供在WebSphereProcess Server中开发构件的循序渐进指导。
An FDA official noted that chondroitin sulfate is' abundant and cheap, 'and the chemical processing required to add the extra sulfate' will not be that expensive either. '.
Shuttle noted that components will not be limited to only one supplier and the current member list is not finalized.
It should be noted that it's not uncommon to see this sort of construction in Pakistan's tribal areas.
Course, can not have a bad coffee beans mixed with, but also to be noted that the normal high-quality beans, coffee beans will be doped into the resulting prejudice.
Even the society does not feel troubled as safety and security is not too stiff, knowing that crime rates are noted to be one of the lowest everywhere.
There are not the noly three measures we can take. But it should be noted that we should take strong actions to prohibit fake pooducts.
ABSTRACT: People love wine not only because of their delicious flavors, the story beyond the wine is another reason to be noted.
And taking a bath, there was a lot of attention to matters to be noted that not know if you do not already know?
While egg-snatching is much noted, it is not as widely spread behavior among jays as it was once thought to be.
While egg-snatching is much noted, it is not as widely spread behavior among jays as it was once thought to be.