However, personnel appeared not to be satisfied with the improvements.
We're challenging for top spot so it's hard not to be satisfied with out efforts "."
A lot of guys were talking about this and Coach Self has been doing a great job in helping us to stay focused and telling us not to be satisfied.
The opening hatch cover method also not to be satisfied that using the warping head of cargo gear not through derrick boom open the hatch cover because using derrick boom is not safe.
The reason to not be satisfied yet?
Also, not all orders can be satisfied from the local warehouse, requiring items to be shipped in from remote warehouses.
Applying this to assertions, the error code cvc-assertion will be reported when an assertion is not satisfied.
将其应用于断言,如果未能满足断言,那么将报告错误代码cvc -assertion。
I don't mean if we know them personally, but if we don't know them personally, is there any way we can discover that they've ascended, or do we just have to be satisfied with not knowing?
For our example this means the request for weather details is not going to be immediately satisfied.
By choosing smaller amounts of the best food you can afford, you will not only enjoy it more, you're far more likely to be satisfied without having to over eat.
It must not be supposed that he was delivered from all those obsessions of the memory which force us, even when happy, even when satisfied, to glance sadly behind us.
In this way, the reference implementation provides only one example of how the set of interfaces specified can be satisfied, but does not recommend or suggest ways to accomplish this.
At first, Mae West had refused to be in the film because she was not satisfied with her character. But the producer allowed her to rewrite parts of the story.
Most hydro systems in the western world have been exploited to their full potential, which means that future demand will not be satisfied by hydro unless new hydro energy forms become available.
They’re not satisfied with their lives, they’re unhappy with their bodies, they want to be better people.
Every piece of capital goods must be invested in the lines in which it contributes to the satisfaction of the most urgent of the not yet fully satisfied wants of the public.
Barack Obama is spending billions to maintain and upgrade America's nuclear weapons. But his opponents say it's not enough. Will they ever be satisfied?
Ms. Leppink said many employers failed to pay even though their internships did not comply with the six federal legal criteria that must be satisfied for internships to be unpaid.
For part of the study, he had to be satisfied with what his participants thought would happen, not with an actual real-life experiment.
That's one reason my love is not always happy, because just loving the other person is no guarantee that both of you can be fully satisfied with what happens to each of you.
People began to be jealous of one another, and they were not satisfied with all the good things they already had.
The male students were significantly more likely to be satisfied with their roommates than female students, whether or not they had a conflict with their roommate.
To be honest, I’m not satisfied with it.
Love not sleep, lest thou come to poverty; open thine eyes, and thou shalt be satisfied with bread.
Many organizations will be fully satisfied with a two server setup outlined in scenario one and do not need to consider introducing a staging server.
For a long time, it seemed as if Flickr was going to be satisfied with having an iPhone-optimized website and not a "real" app when it came to their iPhone/iPod Touch offering.
In other words, a goal is not merely a desirable result, but rather a practice that must be satisfied in order to satisfy the process area.
He and I like to create philosophies and adjustments together and not only to be satisfied with what the computer says.
He and I like to create philosophies and adjustments together and not only to be satisfied with what the computer says.