You made me not to know what to do.
A high jumper, in the eyes of the experts, seems not to know what to do.
Brothers and sisters are often willing to help, but they may not know what to do.
She told him he was old enough to know well what to do, and what not to do.
If you know at the beginning what the system needs to do and how it needs to do it, you can do most (if not all) your design up front.
Problems arise because we often do not know what data to capture and, after you capture it, how to analyze it.
We know how to do it, it’s not talked about as much as before [but] what are you going to move on to?
You might not know exactly what you want to do with your life, but transferable skills will serve you well no matter what future path you decide to pursue.
But to this day I do not know what strange impulse made me take George to see her and to tell her, before I had confided in another living soul, of our engagement.
Unless you tell them what to do they're not gonna know how to do it.
If you're in a situation where you're not sure what to do, act like you know what to do.
He has not yet fulfilled his promise to close the prison at guantanamo Bay because he does not know what to do with the remaining inmates.
Rather than follow the example of his accusers, we should perhaps honour Socrates's exhortation to "know ourselves", to be individually honest, to do what we, not the next man, knows to be right.
If you know you detest your work and will not be happy in a similar job, it's time to ask yourself what you truly want to do with your life.
I know it's not too late to start planning, so just in the last couple of years I started seriously thinking about what I need to do, and how to get started.
For we have no power to face this vast army that is attacking us. We do not know what to do, but our eyes are upon you.
Give portions to seven, yes to eight, for you do not know what disaster may come upon the land.
The only rules were not to let the children know what I’d decided to do, and to ensure that I alerted them to the consequences of their actions, so they could make their own well-informed choices.
在 " 自由育儿 "的方式中,一星期内我不会对我的孩子说不,看会发生什么事情。只是不要让孩子知道我决定将要做的事,确保我对他们做事情的结果保持警惕,那样他们才能自个作出好的选择。
Nearly all countries want to move in this direction, but do not know what policy options are most effective, what they will cost, and where to find the funds.
You do not have to get certified to convey what you know to someone else or to help them in their attempt to teach themselves.
I now know that it's not always easy to see what should be done and even harder actually to do it.
The descriptions, however, by intention do not try to teach you basic concepts — they assume you basically know what you are doing, and just need to refine how you do it.
In using the OSRR approach the requesters do not need to know the process details, but are able to understand what the service can offer and how to implement the service.
SOME POLITICIANS WIN power and do not know what to do with it. Others come to office determined to change everything and end up doing nothing.
If you are the one who has gone through tough time and is struggling with life and do not know what to do then its time to take up personal assessment.
So now you know what NOT to do when sending out resumes, but there are some equally important lessons to be learned when you're sending out e-mails.
So now you know what NOT to do when sending out resumes, but there are some equally important lessons to be learned when you're sending out e-mails.