n this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes.
In this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes.
"In THIS world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes," mused Benjamin Franklin.
Nothing in this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death, taxes, and enterprise software disruption.
Mr Douglas-Fairhurst observes that almost nothing can be said of Dickens of which the opposite is not also true.
It's probably more accurate to say, "n this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death, taxes, and crashes."
Nothing can be said about collective meaning outside of our distinct cultural vocabulary and the resulting interpretation.
Nirvana is a state of which nothing can be said, to which no attributes can be given: it is altogether an abstract, devoid of all positive and negative qualities.
One thing can be said about the ride: the bike moves like nothing else on the road.
Yet it can be said that at the same time nothing is changed and everything is transformed.
Nothing can be taken for granted where nuclear power is concerned," said Lautenberg.
Zhang Shangying from Song dynasty said, “Nothing is happier than being happy of doing good deeds”, only a person whoknows how to give rather than just take can be truly happy.
Twitter's detractors are used to sneering that nothing of value can be said in 140 characters.
The statement said "nothing can be as malicious or further from the truth."
Nothing can be done except little by little, the French poet Baudelaire Charles once said.
Sometimes nothing needs to be said, a mere glance at each other's expression when you're meeting new people can speak volumes.
John answered and said, a man can receive nothing, except it be given him from heaven.
The officer didn't give in and said, it's nothing to steal just a copper piece. Could it be that you can kill me?
This is proof that you've defeated a certain powered-up "someone". Nothing more can be said, nor does it need to be.
"Nothing can be done now to prevent this," the researchers said.
If anything comes out of it will be good, and if nothing comes out of it no one will blame Turkey, said Ozel. It is better than what the Europeans can and would do anyway.
Nothing more can be said, nor does it need to be.
Nothing more can be said, nor does it need to be.
What can be said about a sunrise that hasn't been said before? Nothing unless we can learn how a sunrise has inspired some great and noble men before.
'Nothing can be done now to prevent this,' the researchers said.
'Nothing can be done now to prevent this,' the researchers said.