Now I think back, it seems wasteful, but I don't regret it.
We've now hitched the price of corn, inextricably linked the price of corn, to the price of crude oil, and I think we can't turn the clock back, that's the way it is.
Looking back now, I think this was the right decision.
I went back and forth on this for years, but I now think that I understand that file attributes are extremely useful for a GUI environment.
I thought then and I think now that his attack of "must" was already passing off; in which case he would merely wander harmlessly about until the mahout came back and caught him.
I think that thought on financial services is a good place to pause for now, but I will be back on this issue.
Relations had really, I think, gone down to a large extent. But now it's back on track.
As the app has been online for a few weeks now (2 weeks as of this entry), I have had a chance to reflect back and think about what I did, what went right and what went wrong.
I can show it to you now, if you like. I think it goes back about 8 generations so far.
Perhaps, with your back, just keep the promise was now I began to numb, because you, I think you are used, the wear the uniform of you, that you care about me.
Wandering in the past and now, I think now, suddenly back, found that a string of deep shallow footprint, in deducing the sections of the story of a dream.
I love this city and as for the earthquake... actually, now I think we are coming back to the normal life. Everything is going better.
But now I think you should have it back.
I think if I went back [to Hunan], it might feel good now, but I would grow dissatisfied with myself and my life after a while.
But I am accustomed to, in fact also no big deal, perhaps you now and you fine day, should not be to think back to what.
I can show it to you now, if you like. I think it goes back about 8 generations so far.
Now I have returned home, but I found my English Dictionary forgot to bring back, now I think it probably still bedroom bookshelf.
Today, I killed a centipede. Now every little itch I feel, I think it's the centipede's spirit coming back to haunt me.
I honestly don't think that Lisa wants to see you right now, but she will come back Rick.
I think 20 years from now, I'll be able to look and be happy with that decision to come back.
Now that I can't go back to the past, I might as well think about my future.
Now, I think it will be hard to go back to a life without WeChat when I return home someday.
Now go back to think about it, I do not think is not possible.
"I think now, looking back, in addition to the no [set] style, he is likable, he is charming. That already puts him in good standing, " continues Davis.
Now you may think that I drew back - but no.
Now you may think that I drew back - but no.