A team of four was sent to scout for a nuclear test site.
Lily: They didn't know there is the nuclear test site?
He also attended a swank fete at the Capital Hilton Hotel where his hosts, the business mogul Ted Turner and former Senator Sam Nunn, praised him for closing a major nuclear test site.
Ominously, there is new activity, too, at a site used in 2006 for a nuclear test.
This year’s observance of the International Day Against Nuclear Tests marks the twentieth anniversary of the closure of the nuclear weapons test site at Semipalatinsk, Kazakhstan.
Lop Nur is well known as the test site for Chinese nuclear weapons, and the three plants annotated above could be used to produce weapons-grade fissile material.
Sodium fluorescence method is an important method for on-site test of nuclear HEPA filters.
Analysis of local seismic recordings (within a couple of miles) of nuclear tests at the Nevada test Site shows that some tectonic stress is released simultaneously with the explosion.
The geological condition, seismic wave test and dynamic parameter analysis are the important contents of feasibility research of the site of a nuclear power.
The geological condition, seismic wave test and dynamic parameter analysis are the important contents of feasibility research of the site of a nuclear power.